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Slavic Borishkevich

Slavic Borishkevich

Experienced, knowledgeable, motivated.

Slavic Borishkevich is a successful full time Broker practicing Real Estate since 1999.

Customer service and client satisfaction, always guided by broker fiduciary duties (what is best for the client), Slavic was able to achieve a successful career in Real Estate.

Slavic Borishkevich

Vita Borishkevich

Transaction Coordinator/Graphic Designer.

Vita graduated with Bachelors degree in finances with a minor in Marketing. Vita has a well-established history in both the finance and marketing sectors giving her an extraordinary level of expertise. She prides herself in providing professional service in a timely manner to those she serves. Having strong attention to detail, superior organizational skills, she has a big influence in creating all our digital and print media. Vita enjoys traveling, reading books and spending time with her family.
